{"comments":{"780734":{"pb_id":"17649","pb_type":"members","likes":"0","parent_id":"0","pid":"780734","comment_id":"780734","member_id":"17649","comment":"2013 Nevada NIAA HS Track & Field Season Cumulative Photos can be found on Flickr.com.
\r\nGo to Flickr.com and in the Flickr.com home page.. enter "2013 Nevada NIAA Track" in the search field. And when the search results are shown.. select "RECENT" to re-sort the query results. Then click on "SLIDESHOW" for easy viewing.
\r\nIf you want to download the images.. click on "View All Sizes" icon, and select the appropriate file size for your purposes. Pictures are available for FREE download and is protected by "Creative Commons" which basically allow free distribution except for commercial purposes.
\r\nIf you do use the images for commercial use, contact photographer for politically correct photo credits if "shortCHINESEguy" won't pass your organization scrutiny.
\r\nAnd finally, I would upload picture images to this page, but the process is extremely counter intuitive and a step backwards compared to other photo sharing website.","date_added":"May 16th 2013, 4:50pm","nest":0,"liked":false,"member":[],"can_delete":false,"item_id":145378,"item_type":"news","pb_image":"i\/no_avatar.png","pb_title":"shortCHINESEguy","pb_url":"profile.php?member_id=17649","pb_url_dns":"https:\/\/shortCHINESEguy.runnerspace.com\/","pb_wally_id":"376601"}},"last_id":"780734","url":"comments.php?item_type=news&item_id=145378&item_url=eprofile.php?event_id=8691"}